Dear reader,

Regards from Vienna, where I have been visiting with my family! (Below on the photo is the ROCOR church in Salzburg.)

Thank you all who have enthusiastically responded to my appeal to support the digitization of tapes.

We are glad to offer you a talk on the Old Believers by Archbishop Anthony of Geneva (+1983), which is available only in Russian. It is an interesting a piece of oral history that bears witness to this remarkable hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad and his flock (there was a huge opinioned discussion following his talk).

This Sunday we will be celebrating the memory of the best of the best of the Russian Church Abroad, St. John of Shanghai, and San Francisco. He was in Belgrade at the same time when the future Archbishop Anthony of Geneva, Fr. Nicholas Afanasiev, Bishop Gregory Grabbe, and others, were there. I am offering my reflection on this date.

Thank you for your continuing interest, and Happy Fourth of July to those who live in the “land of the brave”!

Protodeacon Andrei Psarev,

You may donate:

July 1, 2023

Святитель Иоанн Шанхайский и Сан-Францисский и Русская Зарубежная Церковь

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Be Part of the Preservation of History!

Oral history is an important source. For years, I have been in possession of interviews, sermons, talks, and liturgical chants that have been recorded on tape, and been trying to make arrangements with Jordanville seminarians to have these tapes converted to a digital format – all to no avail. Now, I have someone, a recent migrant from the Russian Federation, …
Be Part of the Preservation of History!
ROCOR Studies
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