Dear reader,

My belated greetings on the synaxis of the apostles and the memory of St. Alexander of Munich (+1943). His witness against anti-Christian imperial tyranny is a point of reference for many today.

ROCOR Studies mission of collecting and sharing valuable materials about ROCOR’s past and present continues. With this in mind, we offer you the translation of Paley’s reminiscences and two recently digitized recordings.
Your support is much appreciated here! Because of you, we can grow consistently. An example of such growth is this new project highlighting selected daily events from the History of the Orthodox Church. Read more below!

Thank you for your continuing interest,

Protodeacon Andrei Psarev,

You may donate:

July 14, 2023

Канон на исход души

This service is done when the soul is separated from the body. Archpriest Nikolai Artemov reads. The recording was made in the late 1980s. for distribution, mainly in the USSR, for cases of absence of a priest.
Канон на исход души

This Day In the Life of the Church

Your port of call for the events and facts from two thousand years of history of the Orthodox Church.
This Day In the Life of the Church

Архиепископ Иларион (Капрал) Австралийский и Новозеландский об истории журнала "Ортодокс лайф"

Одним из послушаний будущего митрополита Илариона, в бытность его в Свято-Троицком монстыре, была работа в редакции журнала Ортодокс лайф.
Архиепископ Иларион (Капрал) Австралийский и Новозеландский об истории журнала "Ортодокс лайф"

The First Year in German Captivity

Analytical reminiscences of an eyewitness give an idea of the reasons why people joined the Russian Liberation Army of General A. A. Vlasov. Later, many of those who survived German captivity and ended up in the West became parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. 
The First Year in German Captivity

Первый год в немецком плену

Аналитические воспоминания очевидца дают представление о том почему люди вступали в Русскую Освободительную Армию ген. А.А. Власова. Впоследствии многие из тех кто пережил немецкий плен и оказался на западе стали прихожанами Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей. Перепечатываются из журнала Вече, ном. 18 (1983), 129-158.
ROCOR Studies
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