Dear reader,

In 1998, in the monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, I recorded an interview with Rev. Schema-hieromonk John. This year, we were able to digitize this audio recording, which had existed only on tape prior to this. The quality of the recording could be better. A very qualified person from Ukraine, who usually transcribes recordings for me, refused to deal with transcription. I tried three more people without luck. This weekend, a highly qualified person from Russia will attempt to transcribe this recording. If she fails, I will do it myself.

In June, we collected around USD 700 for this digitization work, and I have already paid USD 790 to a person for it. As the work goes on, I would ask you kindly to donate five or ten dollars that will be used to pay for the tapes’ digitalization and editing.

Thank you for your continuing interest,

Protodeacon Andrei Psarev


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Ответ Архиерейского Собора на прещение митрополита Сергия

Архиереи РПЦЗ объясняют почему они отказываются признать запрещение наложенное на них Митрополитом Сергием (Страгородским), Заместителем Местоблюстителя Патриаршего Престола

Reply to the Sanctions by Metropolitan Sergius

ROCOR's bishops explain why they disregarded their suspension by, the Moscow based, Metropolitan Sergii (Stragorodskii)

Ответ на указ митрополита Сергия о запрещении архиереев РПЦЗ

Объяснение причин архиереев РПЦЗ признать указ митрополита Сергия об их запрещении действительным.

Опеределение о запрещении архиереев РПЦЗ

В 1934 г. митр. Сергием были запрещены почти все архиереи Русской Зарубежной Церкви
Члены Архиерейского Синода РПЦЗ с архиеп. Нестором в Сремских Карловцах
ROCOR Studies
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