Dear reader,

Greetings on the feast of Ascension of the Lord!

Summer is the only time when I do not teach at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and, therefore, I can research and write. On June 10 I am leaving for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne to work with the archives of Paul B. Anderson who spent his 48-year career working with the YMCA’s International Committee. He lived in Russia during the overthrow of the Tsar and subsequent attempts to establish a democratic government. Paul Anderson also exchanged correspondence with the ROCOR’s leading figures of the 1920s.

Then I would like to prepare a class on Russian Church history which will be offered through the St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology.

Later this June I begin teaching a class on ROCOR History and Identity offered through the Pastoral School of Chicago and Mid-America Diocese of the Russian Church Abroad.

Also, I need to prepare materials from last year’s Belgrade Conference on the history of the ROCOR for publication in a thematic volume in English.

Additionally, I need to prepare a questionnaire, which the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Church Abroad will send to the ROCOR’s parishes.

I also would like to prepare a chapter on the Inter-Council Assembly of the Russian Church for a handbook on Conciliarity/Sobornost, edited by Dr. Irina Paert who is a Senior Researcher at the School of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia.

I may also write a paper for a canon law congress in Belgrade this September.

Then, of course, I shall be setting up my classes for the next teaching year. I am collecting the extra funds to cover my time and to take care of my family’s needs.

You may donate through this link or by sending a check to Protodeacon Andrei Psarev, P.O.Box 85, Jordanville, NY 13361

    Thank you for your continuing interest,

    Protodeacon Andrei


    June 6, 2022

    Thoughts Inspired by the Reading of the Brochure by Priest A. Schmemann: The Church and Church Structure. Regarding Archpriest M. Polsky’s Book The Canonical Position of the Supreme Church Authority in the USSR and Outside Russia] (Paris, 1949).

    The response in the defense of the Russian Church Abroad by one its influential members.
    Thoughts Inspired by the Reading of the Brochure by Priest A. Schmemann: The Church and Church Structure. Regarding Archpriest M. Polsky’s Book The Canonical Position of the Supreme Church Authority in the USSR and Outside Russia] (Paris, 1949).

    Мысли, навеянные чтением брошюры  Священника А. Шмемана «Церковь и Церковное устройство. По поводу книги прот. М. Польского: Каноническое положение высшей церковной власти в СССР и заграницей». Париж 1949г.

    Мысли о каноничности РПЦЗ одного из тех кто стоял при ее основании и оказывал влияние на церковных курс в 1920-х гг.
    Митрополит Владимир (Тихоницкий) первоиерарх экзархата (1947-1959), рядом с ним Архим. Иов (Леонтьев) с Курско-Коренной иконой, епископ Нафанаил (Львов), митроп. Анастасий (Грибановский), первоиерарх РПЦЗ (1936-1964) архим. Леонтий (Бартошевич). Женева, июнь 1950 г.

    We Have No Other Church, Nor Do We Have Any Other Russia

    Interview with Protodeacon Andrei Psarev dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the restoration of Eucharistic Communion within the Russian Orthodox Church.
    We Have No Other Church, Nor Do We Have Any Other Russia

    Другой церкви и другой России у нас нет

    Интервью протодиакона Андрея Псарева к 15-ой годовщине восстановления церковного общения в Русской Православной Церкви.
    The Development of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia's Attitude Toward Other Local Orthodox Churches and Non-Orthodox Christians
    ROCOR Studies
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